Member Spotlight
Chris McBride
Computer Science Educator / STEAM Director / Head Robotics Coach, Trinity Christian School
Member Since April, 2024
As an educator, I know how to teach kids. As a maker, I foster a love of learning and discovery. Combining the two has been a dream come true! I teach computer science and art at Trinity Christian School in Shorewood, IL. This love for learning and discovery has made it possible for our small school to become the largest Robotics team in the state of Illinois (over 65 students) and it keeps growing! Next year, we are expecting 80 students! The best kind of learning is learning that happens when you don't even realize it! Students love hand-on, problem solving, cooperative learning and gain INVALUABLE life skills in the process! Who's Who in America's Top Educator Award
Mistakes are opportunities to LEARN!
Chris McBride
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